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French Winter Vocabulary Word Search

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Use this free printable or online wod search to explore and review french winter vocabulary in the classroom or homeschool or just for your own entertainment.

The 24 vocabulary words covered in this puzzle are: Bonnet, Chandail, Chocolat Chaud, Decembre, Doudoune, Echarpe, Faire Du Ski, Fevrier, Flocon, Froid, Gants, Glace, Hiver, Janvier, Luge, Manteau, Moufle, Neige, Noel, Ours Polaire, Patin, Pelle, Renifler, and Rhume.

How many of the French fall words do you know? If you don't recognize a word, be sure to look it up and add to your vocabulary.

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    DIRECTIONS: Find and highlight the vocabulary words in the grid. Look for them in all directions including backwards and diagonally.

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