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Ocean Animals Word Search

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A fun and free online or printable ocean animals word search puzzle for anyone looking for a little challenge. Use at home or in the classroom.

The 24 vocabulary words covered in this puzzle are: Algae, Barracuda, Bass, Bivalve, Clam, Conch, Coral, Crab, Diatoms, Eel, Kelp, Krill, Mackerel, Manatee, Ocean, Octopus, Orca, Otter, Ray, Seal, Shark, Shrimp, Snail, and Squid.

How many of the creatures can you find in this ocean animals word search? Look in all directions including backwards and diagonally.

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    DIRECTIONS: Find and highlight the vocabulary words in the grid. Look for them in all directions including backwards and diagonally.

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